Chemicals and Biological Agents Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) Describes the cutaneous (skin), inhalation, and intestinal
forms of the disease. Smallpox (Variola major) CDC presents a fact sheet and images. Ebola Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers: Fact Sheets. Biological Diseases/Agents Listing CDC biological diseases and agents listings. Chemical Agents Listing and Information CDC chemical agents listing and information. Radiological Emergencies Radiation Emergency Assistance Center Information includes basic explanations and definitions related to radiation and radiological emergencies. It also offers guidance to those responding both at the scene of an emergency (prehospital) and at the hospital. Information Sources White House for Kids:Our most valuable treasure, our children, can find info here. FEMA for Kids: Resources for Parents and Teachers - resources related to the issue of kids and the threat of war and how to talk to children about biological warfare or terrorist attack. CBIAC Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center. The CBIAC serves as the DoD focal point for information related to Chemical Warfare/Chemical and Biological Defense (CW/CBD) technology. CEPPO Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office. EPA's CEPPO provides leadership, advocacy, and assistance to: 1) Prevent and prepare for chemical emergencies; 2) Respond to environmental crises; and 3) Inform the public about chemical hazards in their community. Office of International Information Response to Terrorism C-SPAN Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network. C-SPAN.ORG, Public Affairs on the Web. Computer Virus's and Anti-Virus Protection The CERT® Coordination Center (CERT/CC) The Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center studies Internet security vulnerabilities, handle computer security incidents, publish security alerts, research long-term changes in networked systems, and develop information and training to help you improve security at your site. Symantec's, Norton Anti-Virus 2002. Visit their website where you can download the software. There are many good virus protection software programs available. A good source of free software is available at ZD NET Click Here If you have a resource that you think should be included please feel free to e-mail us with your suggestion. resourcesuggestion@resourcelinks.net |