Cool Websites For Kids
March 26, 2025
Where Kids Find The
Coolest Websites

Visit all year round for lots of cool stuff to do.
University of Arizona Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
The most beautiful and exciting astronomy images of all time.
Space Telescope Science Institute
Official HST site from the astronomical research center responsible for operating the Hubble Space Telescope as an international observatory.
BBC Science
The BBC does it again with this excellent site.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
SpaceKids - Space Science for Kids
Astronomy images, Mars exploration, news, and teachers' resources from NASA.
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum (NASM) maintains the largest collection of historic air and spacecraft in the world.
Bigger Little Kids
PBS Kids
A cool cyberliteracy site for kids.
Kids contribute stories, recipes, games, and original projects
Crayola Kids Magazine
A selection of storybooks, puzzles, and craft actvities.
Discovery School
Offers educational resources such as homework help, learning games for kids, and educational toys, as well as teaching materials and classroom k-12 aids.
Puffy the Puffer's Book of Fun Fish Facts
Games, puzzles and a lot more!
The Big Big Kids
Kids & Jobs
offers information, resources, and activities for teens, parents, and educators about preparing for work in the 21st Century. Includes listing of "cool careers."
Kids & Jobs
offers information, resources, and activities for teens, parents, and educators about preparing for work in the 21st Century. Includes listing of "cool careers."
Discovery School
Offers educational resources such as homework help, learning games for kids, and educational toys, as well as teaching materials and classroom k-12 aids.
Marine Careers
This site includes overviews of the fields of marine biology, oceanography, and ocean engineering;and a look at what the future is likely to hold for careers in these fields.
The Littler Big Kids
Woodlands Web'
'Your child has only one opportunity for a good education, and our aim is to provide it! '
Discovery School
Offers educational resources such as homework help, learning games for kids, and educational toys, as well as teaching materials and classroom k-12 aids.
Discovery School
Offers educational resources such as homework help, learning games for kids, and educational toys, as well as teaching materials and classroom k-12 aids.
An underwater laboratory or habitat that sits 60 feet below sea level and houses scientists that live and work inside while they study ocean life.
NOAA Photo Library
The NOAA collection includes thousands of weather and space images, hundreds of images of our shores and coastal seas, and thousands of marine species images ranging from the great whales to the most minute plankton.
Sunrise/Sunset and Solar Noon Calculator
Need to know exactly what time the sun will set on September 26, 2065? What was the the time of sunrise on your birthday?
Sea Life
Discovery Channel: The Ultimate Guide: Dolphins
Find out about dolphins and what makes them so smart.
An underwater laboratory or habitat that sits 60 feet below sea level and houses scientists that live and work inside while they study ocean life.
Sea World
Whether it's coming face to face with polar bears, feeding dolphins by sunset, or braving the "Great White" coaster, SeaWorld will take you to extremes!
Monterey Bay Aquarium
The mission of the Monterey Bay Aquarium is to inspire conservation of the oceans. They do a excellent job of it. Wonderful website.
Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration
The mission of the Mystic Aquarium and Institute is to inspire people everywhere to care about and protect our oceans through research, understanding and exploration.
Something Really Cool
A Interview With God
White House for Kids
Our most valuable treasure, our children, can find fun here.
BBC Knowledge
Digital-only channel that provides learning materials across an age range from pre-school through to adults, with an emphasis on interactivity and practical learning.
The online learning center
The Geometry online learnig center is a resource full of hundreds of links to quality learning websites. This is a must resource for schools and parents.
Tornado Outbreak April 3rd, 1974
Tornadoes broke across the heartland with an intensity and frequency never seen before in the United States.This site looks at the events of that day. This website is full of information and resources that will keep you reading for hours.
NOAA Education Resources
Teachers, students, and the general public can find information about weather, Earth and sun, the ocean, coasts, satellites, fish, protected marine mammals, and climate change.
NOAA Photo Library
The NOAA collection includes thousands of weather and space images, hundreds of images of our shores and coastal seas, and thousands of marine species images ranging from the great whales to the most minute plankton.
The X PRIZE is a $10,000,000 prize to jumpstart the space tourism industry through competition between the most talented entrepreneurs and rocket experts in the world. The $10 Million cash prize will be awarded to the first team that:
Privately finances, builds & launches a spaceship, able to carry three people to 100 kilometers (62.5 miles) high.
Returns safely to Earth.
Repeats the launch with the same ship within 2 weeks.
Office of the U.S. Surgeon General
My name is David Satcher, and I was sworn in as Surgeon General on February 13, 1998. My favorite audience is KIDS. During the year, I enjoy traveling to schools and meeting many of you in person. Since I can't see all of you at once, enjoy the games and fun stuff my team has collected for you here. And please write to me! I also have information for your parents and teachers.
Offers tons of free games, utilities, etc. If it has to do with computers it here
Visit Your State Government Website For Kids
Full of fun, facts and interesting stuff.

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